Copyright Info
All content on this site, and the site itself, are the property or R.A. Robertson, except as otherwise noted. Unless indicated to the contrary, licensing generally follows the spirit of Creative Commons Share Alike with Attribution. This means that materials may be distrubuted freely and may be used for commercial purposes, provided that I am credited for my work as the original author, and that no restrictions may be placed on others' use of these materials beyond the terms I specify. Works of other authors included in or referenced by this site retain their own respective licences.
Some specific restrictions do apply. Distribution of these works is limited to transmition in their original digital form (mash-ups, collages, and remixed media notwithstanding). Images are to remain at resolutions no greater than 72dpi; music and sound samples are offered only at the quality presented herein and no higher; print publication of text content is not authorized; material fabrication of design concepts is forbidden; except by special arrangment with myself or my legal agents.
As far as possible, I've made every effort to credit original authors for their work when it appears on this site. Contact me if there are any oversights and I will correct the issue as soon as I can.
- Site layout is modified from code contained in the book "Bulletproof Web Design," by Dan Cederholm
- Menu navigation is derived from the Superfish system.
- Inspiration for grid structuring comes from Alistapart and BlueprintCSS.
- In some of the galleries I've used a modified form of SFPG Gallery by Kenny Svalgaard.
- Collapsible menu feature is courtesy Daniel Nolan.